Brief biosketch
Skip Garibaldi is Director of the Center for Communications Research, La Jolla, a division of IDA. As a mathematician, he is known for his work on algebraic groups, especially exceptional groups such as E8; the book Cohomological invariants in Galois cohomology with Alexander Merkurjev and Jean-Pierre Serre; and his work on the lottery, which led to changes in state policy and arrests. Millions of people have seen him talk about his work on 20/20, CNN, and ABC World News, and he is a consultant for and part of a museum exhibit about mathematics that has been traveling the country since opening at the Smithsonian in spring 2012.
He has been associate director of the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics at UCLA; Winship Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science at Emory University; a postdoc at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH); held visiting positions at Université d’Artois and Université Paris-Nord in France; and been a Gambrinus Fellow at TU Dortmund.
Awards, special lectures, etc.
- 2025: Chan Stanek Ross lecture, MAA MathFest
- 2020: AMS-MAA invited address, Joint Mathematics Meeting
- 2019: Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
- 2018: Air Force Commander’s Public Service Award
- 2018: Invited address at MAA Sectional Meeting, SoCal-Nevada section
- 2017: Michael E. Moody Lecture at Harvey Mudd
- 2015: Reese Prosser Lecture at Dartmouth
- 2014: Invited address at AMS Sectional Meeting, southeastern section
- 2014: Invited address at MAA Sectional Meeting, Pacific northwest section
- 2014: Norbert Wiener Lectures at Tufts University
- 2012: Emory Williams Award (Emory University’s highest award for teaching)
- 2011: Lester R. Ford Award from the MAA
- 2010: “Outstanding alumnus” for Purdue University Department of Mathematics
- 2010: Only speaker at the MAA State Dinner for Alabama
- 2009: Winship Distinguished Research Professorship at Emory University
- 2006: Lecture series at Université d’Artois
- 2006: Only speaker at the MAA State Dinner for Georgia
- 1998: UCSD Department of Mathematics graduate teaching award
- Publications
- Funding: My research has benefited from the support of the National Science Foundation, the Charles T. Winship Fund, and the National Security Agency.
Books, lecture notes, etc.

This is an abbreviated list.
- AMS Task Force To Support Mathematics Degree Programs, member, 2024-2027
- National Academies/BMSA, member, 2023-present
- National Academies/BMSA study “Illustrating the impact of mathematics”, member, 2019-2020.
- US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, member, 2014-2018.
- MAA Council on Meetings and Professional Development, 2017-2018.
- Member of various speaker selection committees for national meetings of the AMS and MAA.
- Member of various prize committees for the MAA and Canadian Math Society, 2012-2016.
- DARPA Defense Science Study Group, member, 2012-2013.
- American Mathematical Society Committee on Meetings and Conferences, member-at-large, 2008-2011.
- Mathematical Association of America Departmental Liaison for Emory University, 2004-2012.

- Journal: Canadian Journal of Mathematics, associate editor, 2012-2016.
- Journal: Canadian Math Bulletin, associate editor, 2012-2016.
- Journal: Extra volume of Documenta Mathematica, 2015.
- Book: Quadratic forms, linear algebraic groups, and cohomology, ISBN 978-1-4419-6210-2, Springer, 2010.
Name (degree year, first placement)
- Hernando Bermudez (PhD 2014, Microsoft)
Thesis: Linear preserver problems and cohomological invariants (parts 1, 2, 3)
Awards: Arts & Sciences Fellowship (2009-2014) - Chen Chen (Honors BA 2012, Deutsche Bank)
Awards: Deborah Jackson Award (2011, 2012) - Richard Oh (Honors BS 2010, math PhD program at University of South Carolina)
- Fred Helenius (PhD 2009, Emory University)
Thesis: Freudenthal triple systems via root system methods
Awards: George W. Woodruff Fellowship (2004-2009) - Audrey Malagon (PhD 2009, Mercer University)
Thesis: Killing forms of Lie algebras
Awards: George W. Woodruff Fellowship (2004-09), Dean’s Teaching Fellowship (2008-09), Marshall Hall award (2009) - Michael P. Carr (MS & honors BS 2004)
Awards: Trevor Evans Award (2004), Putnam competition top 15 (2002)
Publication: Geometries, the principle of duality, and algebraic groups - Andy Nichols (MS 2004)
- Jared Phillips (MS 2003)
This list does not include the numerous students for whom I was only a member of their thesis committee.